UNAIR NEWS – The Institute of Tropical Diseases (LPT) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) again held 5th Molecular Cell Culture (MCC) workshop. The event lasted for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday on September 10-11 at Institute of Tropical Disease (LPT) Campus C UNAIR. The workshop took the theme of “Molecular Biology Techniques in Biosciences and Virology.”
The workshop theme was motivated by some reason, by seeing the community needs and the urgency. Moreover, infectious diseases are still the diseases with the highest prevalence in Indonesia, so new techniques or methods are needed.
The modern method is known as one step, and this method is more efficient than conventional or two-step methods. “The aim for this workshop is to open up the relevant insight about the new method or technology compared to conventional methods and modern methods,” said Laura Navika Yamani S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., as chief executive of 5th MCC workshop.
In the program, Laura said that the first guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Aryati, dr., MS., Sp.PK (K) Professor in Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR. Then on the second day, there was Fuad Al Ahwani, S.Pd., M.Si. from PT Indolab Utama.
“The material on the first day covered the topic of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in two ways, conventional and modern. Furthermore, the intention is detecting negative positives of the virus, “he explained.
“The second day is more quantitative. Thus, we count the total virus in the sample. We use a method called Real Time PCR. Therefore, the second day is more in identify the virus level or concentration, “he added

Besides, Laura said the participants allowed to be involved in the activity. Thus, the participants can immediately practice the theory. The activity includes RNA extraction, One Step Multiplex, PCR, Reverse Transcription PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, and Real Time PCR.
The 5th MCC Workshop were attended by seventeen participants, both from Surabaya and outside Surabaya. From these activities, Laura hopes the world of molecular research, especially in Indonesia will be developed. (*)
Author: Lailatul Fitriani
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i