UNAIR KKN students in Bandung Regency Deployed to Fourteen Villages

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UNAIR students in a briefing before implementing KKN Harum Citarum. (Photo: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – There were 200 Universitas Airlangga students departed to Bandung Regency to implement KKN-Citarum. For the third time, KKN-Citarum Harum became one of the KKN schemes implemented for the last three semesters.

In Bandung, UNAIR students will be deployed to 14 villages: Andir, Bojong Malaka, Rancamanyar, Dayeuh Kolot, Pasawahan, Cangkuang Wetan, Cangkuang Kulon, Sukamukti, Sangkanhurip, Pangauban, Suleman, Margahayu Selatan, Sukamenak, and Sayati.

Coordinator of supervising lecturers of KKN in Bandung Regency Dra. Tania Ardiani Saleh, MS, PA (K) revealed that among the 14 villages, there were several villages with two teams of UNAIR KKN, especially villages that have diverse problems and a wide area.

“The fourteen sites of UNAIR KKN in Bandung Regency are in five sub-districts that are included in the Sector 7 / Citarum Task Force,” she said.

“They are in the sub-district of Balendah, Dayeuh Kolot, Ciparay, Pameung Peuk, and Margahayu,”she added.

For example in Andir Village, explained Dra. Tania, that location has a flood problem. There are two UNAIR KKN teams deployed to the village.

Andir Village for example, explained Dra. Tania, it has a recurring flood problem. There are two teams of KKN UNAIR assigned in that village.

“There are two other villages with two KKN teams, Cangkuang Wetan and Cangkuang Kulon Villages,” she said.

In collaboration with Bandung Regency government and TNI (Military forces) from Military Area Command (Kodam) III/Siliwangi, the students focused on community development, especially for preventive and curative efforts by encouraging the community not to litter in the river.

Based on Community Service and Development Institute (LPPM), most of the students are from Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP) for KKN-Citarum Harum 2019. It is appropriate because the most of the problems are related to social behaviors in the environment. However, there are also students from exact science faculties, such as dental medicine, medicine, pharmacy and other faculties.

Two hundred UNAIR students will participate in KKN in Bandung Regency from July 4 to 24, 2019. Together with TNI Military Regional Command (Kodam) III / Siliwangi, the students are conducting some empowerment programs, mainly aimed at communities around the Citarum River.

“There are two other villages with two KKN teams, Cangkuang Wetan and Cangkuang Kulon Villages,” she said.

About 200 students of UNAIR will conduct a community service program (KKN) in Bandung on July 4-24, 2019. They will collaborate with TNI Military Regional Command (Kodam) III / Siliwangi to hold community empowerment activities for communities in the riverbank of Citarum River.

Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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