KKN BBM in Gresik Collaborates with Bappeda to Develop Big Data

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KKN BBM Gresik I
Head of LPPM UNAIR (center) Dr. Eko Supeno while giving a speech. (Photo: Zana Afia Deswari)

UNAIR NEWS – A total of 250 students from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) appeared on the hall of Cerme District Office Hall, Gresik Regency on Tuesday, July 02. After the ceremony for the release of Student Community Service (KKN) ceremony on Tuesday morning, each team began heading to the location to carry out the opening event in each region.

The opening ceremony of Cerme District BBM KKN was attended by Head and staff of Community Service and Community Development Institute (LPPM), accompanying lecturer, Head of Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda), Kab. Gresik, district officer Cerme, as well as an invitation from several parties of UPT Kab. Gresik.

Head of LPPM UNAIR, Dr. Eko Supeno, drs., M.Si, revealed the theme of KKN “Ready to Build and Serve the Country.” The concept, continued Dr.Eko, and the purpose of this activity is not to take over the government’s duties but as a learning process for students in the community.

“We try to help with responsibilities and realize government programs, not necessarily taking over their duties. “We hope that guidance from the regional government will be a form of investment and learning process to increase student capacity,” explained Dr. Eko.

Photo session with KKN BBM team in Cerme District, Gresik Regency. (Photo: Zana Afia Deswari)

The fifth time UNAIR has deployed KKN students in Gresik Regency, as well as the third time in the district Cerme. Previously, KKN activities in Gresik Regency located in several sub-districts. Besides, there were changes related to the number of students, KKN in Gresik area only takes place in one sub-district.

“At first, there were 300 students but there was a request from Tuban. After that, we reduced by 50. In the end, there were only 250 students at Cerme District with a total of 25 villages, “explained Mahfudi as KKN Coordinator at District Gresik.

Mahfud said the place was chosen with consideration of UNAIR wanting to help the development of big data in Gresik Regency. The literacy issues in Cerme community is also the reason for LPPM to hold community service program in there.

“Our orientation for Community Service is not to emphasize physical buildings, but the highlight was to change people’s behavior, “he added.

Back then, BBM KKN Gresik was more oriented to four main areas, namely education, health, environment, and economic empowerment, community service team was focused on helping deal with environmental issues and literacy this time. Students are supported Bappeda program in creating village web to map the potential of each village in Cerme District.

“We hope that students potential can be maximized, following the expectations of local government and university. Hopefully, students will be more active in coordinating with relevant parties,” concluded Mahfud. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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