UNAIR NEWS – As a response to the advancing technological developments, all working aspects of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) are intensively developing new innovations to improve the existing service system. UNAIR Directorate of Finance was no exception, which sparked AICMS innovation some time ago.
AICMS ( Airlangga Integrated Cash Management System ) is an integrated financial management system of Universitas Airlangga. That way, the fund disbursement process will be faster because it is processed from one screen, through UNAIR Financial Information System.
“AICMS will shorten the process of disbursing funds from faculties and work units to bank transfers. We no longer need to send files to the bank or open internet banking because all transactions are carried out in UNAIR Financial System, “explained Anto Sujarwo, SE., one of the members of AICMS development team in an interview on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.
With this integrated system, the process of applying for budget use by work unit to the Directorate of Finance can be done faster. In the future, the use of AICMS reduces paper usage.
“Financial services at UNAIR will be faster. Disbursement of funds that used to take days, maybe now only in a matter of hours. In the future, the development of this system is also paperless, “he said.
Anto said that it is currently still in the transition from the old system to the new system. Despite having encountered several obstacles during the development process, in the beginning of May 2019, the AICMS will be ready to be implemented.
“Later, both systems will run together until the new system is truly tested. We will switch to a new system if it is truly tested, “he explained.
“For pilots, our project uses two banks. We have developed it for one bank and it will be live early next month, “he added.

The IT Team of Directorate of Finance, Faculty PUMK, BPI, DSI, and the Accounting team of Universitas Airlangga were involved in the development of the system which began in October 2018. “With the existence of this AICMS, hopefully university financial management will be faster, more precise and accountable. So that it can support UNAIR programs towards Top 400 World Class Universities, “Anto concluded. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i