Commemorating Isra Miraj, KKI PSDKU Encourages Millennials to Strengthen Faith

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KKI: Ustaz Munif gives a sermon during the Isra Mikraj 1440 H.
KKI: Ustaz Munif gives a sermon during the Isra Mikraj 1440 H. (Photo: Special)

UNAIR NEWS – The Islamic Spirituality Community, or more familiarly called KKI PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi, always carries out commemoration of Islamic Holidays. One of them is the commemoration of Isra Mi’raj 1440 H, it was themed “The Role of Millennials in Understanding Values ​​of Isra Miraj to Welcome Industrial Revolution 4.0”.

The event was held at SMKN 1 Banyuwangi Vocational High School Mosque on Friday, April 12, 2019. In the event, KKI PSDKU also invited several representatives of Islamic Spiritual Groups of Senior High Schools around PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi campus.

The activity was opened with various remarks, from Chief Executive Burhanudin (FKH 2017), Head of KKI PSDKU Adam Fahmi Fiqih (FKH 2016), and KKI PSDKU supervisor Bodhi Agustono, drh., M.Si.

Furthermore, the sermon was delivered by Ustadz Ahmad Munif. In the opening, Ustadz Munif explained a little about the history of Isra Mi’raj. According to him, Isra Mi’raj is a major event for Muslims and is one of the miracles of Prophet Muhammad. The Isra Mi’raj event, he continued, was about the journey of the Prophet Muhammad to Sidratul Muntaha to accept an order to pray.

“The theme raised by the committee about the Isra Mi’raj 1440 H event was quite heavy. But this discussion is very important to study, because the development of technology cannot be denied anymore and we must be prepared to face that development, “said the graduate of Global University, Lebanon.

Regarding the millennial generation, he explained, was a term pinned to a generation born in 21st century who live with technological advancement. Technology, he added, will follow the lifestyle of millennial society because, behavioral shifts also affected by technology. New technological products will emerge as accommodations for technological change.

“Most millennials tend to be deluded by the development of technology and only busy with their social media. It is as if only millennials only knew the development of technology for social media. They can spend hours just for scrolling their social media,” he explained.

In fact, he said, many positive things could be done with technological developments and if used properly they would provide something useful. Here is the important role of applying the values ​​of Isra Mi’raj which are to remind humans the importance of worship in the midst of technology.

“Muslim millennials must strengthen their faith by strengthening their foundation, one of them is prayer,” said the ustadz.

In the event, there was also a question and answer session with Ustadz Munif. Most of the questions that arises from invited guests were not far from the theme. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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