, UNAIR Alumni Innovation for Web-Based Dental Clinics

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UNAIR NEWS – is a web-based platform with an integrated management system developed by Akhmad Farkhan Azmi, alumni of Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG). The program serves to help dental practitioners, especially doctors, in managing their clinics.

 From Copy Business to Start-ups

Akhmad Farkhan Azmi’s interest in the field of entrepreneurship has been fostered since he underwent a bachelor’s and professional program at FKG UNAIR. He has run some businesses from photocopy services to sell date chocolate and batik. However, it did not run as well as he expected.

“I thought about giving up. But, on one hand, I am still wondering why it (the business, ed) hasn’t been successful yet, “said Farkhan in an interview via chat app on Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

His entrepreneurial instincts were moved when he found an appropriate rhythm when he ran a medical equipment business. Farkhan decided to learn things that he was lacking so that his business may improve.

During his postgraduate education in AKK Program, specifically in Marketing and Finance Management of Health Services (MPKPK) of Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Farkhan met again with his old friend, Raga Bhirhatihin Alfath, S.Kom., M.M. Their meeting led to a joint venture in the field of lodging, called Syariah Rooms, which later became the forerunner of .

From various kinds of businesses that he had run, some are not directly related to his studies. It was shared to his supervisor during lecture, Dr. Taufan Bramantoro, drg., M.Kes., During a discussion with him about an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on an occasion.

“Could you make it like this (platform related to dental health)? Come on. How come your start-up (Syariah Rooms) is not related to your studies, “he said while imitating the lecturer’s words.

Armed with the knowledge he practiced during college, Farkhan then ventured to work with Raga in realizing a platform in the field of dental health. Both of them decided to collaborate with the information technology (IT) team that had also been formed while running the Syariah Rooms business. After a long process, was officially launched in January 2018 in Malang.

 Closer to

For Farkhan, platform is not only a proof that he rose to the challenge of his lecturer. It is also an attempt to provide answers to the presence of Industrial Revolution 4.0, especially in health sector.

The current medical world is advanced. Various discoveries continue to emerge such as a smart watch, a digital inhaler, the Watson Project and the opportunity to open telemedicine. However, for innovations in the field of dental health, not many have been created.

“I told Raga that there is great potential for Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the health sector and could be a pioneer. This platform was first introduced in a soft launching at AIDENTEX event on 4–6 October 2018. While the grand launching itself is in April, ” explained Farkhan.

So, what is the form of ? According to Farkhan, is an online application based on an integrated management system that can help dental practices, dental clinics, and the Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) management.

“Kelola’s development takes quite a long time, which more than a year. From the design, coding to the stage of improvement is continued to be carried out until now,” said the man who is also a consultant for several clinics and hospitals.

Although it is still new, has offered several features such as medical e-records, e-bookings, financial reports, e-stock management, e-unit hosting, and expert discussions. With the existence of these facilities, the practitioners involved in the dental health sector can effectively manage data through the cloud and paperless systems.

“Imagine if there were many patients. How long does it take to search for medical records? With Kelola, everything will be fast, so is the financial reports. There is no need to wait for the end of the month to know the turnover and clinic profits,” he said firmly.

At present, Kelola has partnered with dentists and dental clinics from all over Indonesia with 100 active users. They hope, by 2019, the number of users can reach 2,500 users. Meanwhile, itself has recruited 15 employees who support the technical development of websites, Android and iOS based apps.

Besides being in the form of a website, Farkhan and his team are preparing an application version that can later be accessed on Android and iOS. Improvements will also be made to expert discussion features that are expected to bridge knowledge transfer. Especially for doctors outside Java to update their information about health.

“We also hope that we can develop this apps with additional features for patients. In addition to facilitating consultation, it can also provide education related to dental and oral health. It might even be used in other health fields,” he concluded. (*)


Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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