UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR preparations towards National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2019 have been started. After conducting an internal selection for Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposals from all five categories, 739 proposals qualified for the phase.
In this regard, UNAIR Directorate of Student Affairs and Garuda Sakti held a PKM Briefing activity on Monday, December 17. The event was held at Gedung Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) and divided into two sessions. The first session was held at 10:00 – 12:00, and the second session was at 13:00 – 15:00 WIB.
The briefing was led by Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, drh., M.Kes and Dr.rer.nat Ganden Supriyanto, M.Sc.
Dr. Eduardus informed the participants to pay attention to the systematic writing on PKM. The writing system must be in accordance with the latest PKM writing guidelines because it has a big effect on the administrative selection stage.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ganden revealed that so far the characteristic of the proposals sent by UNAIR students use titles that were abbreviated to be unique acronyms. However, unfortunately the acronym of the title is often not relevant to the topic of the PKM. It has been discussed by national judges, according to Dr. Ganden.
“It can be abbreviated but must be relevant to the topic. Sometimes the abbreviation does not exist in Indonesian, it becomes strange. The most important thing in PKM is the title. Make a very interesting title and if possible, it presents the solution offered by students, “he explained.
Dr. Ganden also said that in the PKM-K category, students often create culinary products. According to him, it is fine. However, he hoped students can further develop PKM-K in the service sector because it is still rare.
After the briefing, the participants took the corrected proposal file for revision. The revision process will be done from December 17 to 30. Each team can register on 30 December and upload their PKM proposals of five categories until 10 January 2019 while for upload of PKM-AI, PKM-GT, and GFK PKM will be from 11 December to 18 January 2019.
Author: Zanna Afia Deswari
Editor: Nuri Hermawan