“Tax Aware Inclusion Week” Invites Youth to Increase Tax Urgency Awareness

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Tax Awareness Inclusion Week
The excitement of Tax Awareness Simulation Games in Tax Goes To Campus at Tax Center Court located at Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga. (Photo: By courtesy)

NEWS UNAIR – The demographic bonus that will happen in Indonesia must be prepared well. The preparation covers has many aspects, including in the realm of taxation. Regarding the implementation of the 2018 Tax Awareness Inclusion Week program by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. The Directorate General Tax Regional Office of East Java DJP I carried out these activities for the next one week.

The inclusion week is a series of all activities related to tax awareness literacy in education with targets ranging from elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP), seniorhigh school to tertiary education.

Tax awareness culture is something that must be instilled early to shape generation of people who love and defend the country through awareness of implementing tax rights and obligations. The activity is part of the National Literacy Movement Program at the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is an effort to strengthen synergy between the main units of the literacy movement actors by gathering all of potential and expanding public involvement in developing and cultivating literacy in Indonesia.

Located at TAX Center Universitas Airlangga on  November 7, dozens of students participated in this first activity held at UNAIR. In this Inclusion Week in 2018 with the Mobile Tax Unit Goes To Campus, the themed is Tax Awareness Generation, Today’s Heroes, educational activities were carried out with various games as a simulation of the importance of tax awareness.

“With this kind of activity we will also support government programs, seeing the role of taxation in Indonesia is quite important, especially in the structure of state budget,” explained Yanuar Nugroho as UNAIR Tax Center Coordinator.

The inclusion of tax awareness, he added, must be promoted because so far paying taxes has been done not because self-awareness obligations, but only to avoid sanctions.

“It is our task in education world to help make the inclusion program successful so, people will get better in understanding the importance of paying taxes. UNAIR students can make maximum use of the Tax Center facilities, so they can educate each other, conduct research and community service together,” he concluded.

Author: Wiwik Yuni Eryanti Ningrum

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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