Deciduous teeth pulp stem cell and carbonate apatite scaffolds increase BMP-2/7 expression and lower MMP-8 expression

Based on the research results of Health's Basic Research Department (RISKESDAS) Ministry of Health in 2018, there was 57.6 percent of Indonesia's population experience oral health problems affecting their quality…

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Ramai Pembuatan Disinfectant Chamber Guna Cegah COVID-19, Berikut Penjelasan Dosen FKM UNAIR

UNAIR NEWS – Semakin hari jumlah kasus positif COVID-19 semakin bertambah. Berbagai cara pencegahan dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penularan, salah satunya dengan membuat disinfectant chamber atau bilik disinfektan. Disinfectant chamber…

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