UNAIR NEWS – Online advertising or commonly called digital marketing is a pillar of free content on the internet that has revolutionized business marketing in recent years by creating a myriad of new opportunities for advertisers to reach potential customers. With the primary goal of directly targeting potential customers personally.
For this reason, a lot of user data is collected, combined, processed, and traded behind the scenes at speed never before seen. Digital Marketing is undoubtedly an enticing opportunity for sellers (prospective advertisers) in promoting their merchandise.
According to data released by eBizMBA in 2019, Google ranked first in the category of websites with the most visitors and the largest search engine in the world that reached 1.6 billion every month. The data shows a great opportunity if someone wants to market their business products through Google. One of the digital marketing platforms that Google has provided for advertisers is Google Adwords.
Advertisers often feel that the length of the analysis process in evaluating ad performance and the difficulty in reading data. Besides, the large amount of data that must be analyzed and compared with each other, advertisers have a problem in assessing ad performance through the evaluation of ad performance also plays a significant role in achieving the highest advertising performance, which also has an impact on increasing business turnover.
Therefore, PKM team of Universitas Airlangga consisting of Muhammad Fairuzzuddin Zuhair (Mathematics Undergraduate Student), Inas Pramitha Abdini Haq (Public Health S1 Student) and Davin Azaria Rianda (Biomedical S1 Student) created a digital marketing software prototype called “SPLITTER.”
“This software uses artificial intelligence basis using an analytical method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) developed from AHP method using a fuzzy approach,” Fairuz explained as the team leader.
In addition, Fairuz also said that based on the literature read, in the presence of hybrid fuzzy, the discipline of Artificial Intelligence, the AHP method can provide accurate decision results by looking at some uncertainties. Besides, continued Fairuz, the technique has proven suitable for solving the problem of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), which has many individual traits.
“The existence of this software is expected to answer various problems experienced by every Google Adwords advertiser in evaluating the performance of keywords so that advertisers can achieve the highest advertising performance which has an impact on increasing business turnover,” he concluded.
Editor: Nuri Hermawan